Speed with precision: From cloning to sequencing, improve your PCR workflows


Tuesday, 6th December, 2022
02:00 PM to 03:00 PM IST


Improve your PCR workflows

Next generation analysis methods such as Illumina or Oxford Nanopore sequencing demand next generation amplification reagents for library generation. We introduce methodology to improve PCR for a range of applications using repliQa HiFi ToughMix, a high fidelity, highly processive, one-tube master mix capable of amplifying few hundred base pairs to long range targets. The ToughMix formula gives the added advantage of overcoming a wide range of PCR inhibitors to allow amplification from even crude extracts, reducing time and cost of DNA extraction. Quantabio present data from customer collaborations on improving metabarcoding, virus amplification, library amplification and more.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • PCR from crude extracts
  • Rapid amplicon library preparation for Illumina sequencing with reduced clean up steps
  • Long read metabarcoding for ONT sequencing with 50% time saving 
  • Amplification of viral genomes for variant detection with long range cDNA synthesis and PCR

For more information, please contact us at webinar@avantorsciences.com