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Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Colcemid arrests the division of cells in mitosis. It prevents the formation of the spindle apparatus responsible for cell division, thereby permitting an accumulation of metaphases.
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Glasgow MEM (GMEM) was originally formulated for growing BHK 21 cells. The original formulation is an Eagle's Basal Medium modified to contain two times the normal concentration of amino acids and vitamins. It is intended for use with adherent cell lines.

Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Sterile filtered, South American origin foetal bovine serum (FBS) is derived from clotted whole blood aseptically collected from foetus via cardiac puncture. Each manufactured batch is rigorously controlled, from the collection of serum through to final packaging.
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Sterile filtered foetal bovine serum (FBS) derived from clotted whole blood aseptically collected from foetus via cardiac puncture. Each manufactured batch is rigorously controlled, from the collection of serum through to final packaging.

Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Mouse serum is the liquid fraction of whole blood that is collected after the blood is allowed to clot; it is the blood plasma with the fibrinogens removed. Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances. Mouse serum is used as a blocking agent in immunoassays and controls.

Catalog Number: (X0550-100)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: L(+)-Glutamine 0.2 mol/l in aqueous solution
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Amphotericin B used in tissue culture to prevent growth of yeasts and fungi. It changes the function and integrity of eucaryotic cell membranes by forming complexes with sterols (cholesterol) hence having no effect on bacteria. Cause leakage of glucose.
Catalog Number: (S2930-100)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Plasma provides a broad spectrum of macromolecules, carrier proteins for lipoid substances and trace elements, attachment and spreading factors, low molecular weight nutrients, and hormones and growth factors that promote cell growth. It is used as a component of bioassays, immunoassays or enzyme assays.
UOM: 1 * 100 µl

Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Bovine serum is a pooled serum sample obtained from a normal donor herd. It is specific for anti-bovine serum and yields multiple arcs of precipitation during immunoelectrophoresis versus anti-bovine serum.

Catalog Number: (L0950-100)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Accustase is a ready to use cell detachment solution of proteolytic and collagenolytic enzymes. Accutase is a direct gentle replacement for trypsin solution. It can also be used on suspension cells to reduce their agglutination in order to ease counting.
UOM: 1 * 100 mL

Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Bovine serum albumin (BSA) is commonly used in cell culture protocols, particularly where protein supplementation is necessary and the other components of serum are unwanted. In cell culture, its main role is as a carrier of small molecules. Because of its negative charge, BSA binds water, salts, fatty acids, vitamins and hormones, then carries these bound components between tissues and cells. The binding capacity also makes BSA an effective scavenger to remove toxic substances, including pyrogens, from the medium.
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Sterile filtered foetal bovine serum (FBS) derived from clotted whole blood aseptically collected from foetus via cardiac puncture. Each manufactured batch is rigorously controlled, from the collection of serum through to final packaging.

Catalog Number: (P5030-500GR)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: D-glucose monohydrate (Dextrose) is a common natural sugar involved in processes such as energy production, glycosylation, and formation of glycans that provide structure to cells. It is involved in a detrimental process in cells called glycation. It is used as a supplement for cell culture and in numerous cellular processes.
UOM: 1 * 500 g

Catalog Number: (L0042-500)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Basal Medium Eagle is principally used for monolayer diploid or primary cell cultures. It is the simplest of the basal media with all essential components for growth. BME ideally supports cell lines such as HeLa, L-cells and primary mammalian fibroblasts. BME has also successfully been used for the growth of human transformed cell lines (particularly WI-38 and MRC-5).
UOM: 1 * 500 mL

Catalog Number: (L0207-500)
Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Schneider’s Insect Medium was developed to support the growth of excised imaginal discs from the fruit fly, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>. When supplemented with 5 to 20% heat-inactivated foetal bovine serum Schneider's mediuam has been found to support the rapid growth of both primary and established cultures of cells derived from Drosophila spp. and several other dipterans.
UOM: 1 * 500 mL


Supplier: BIOWEST
Description: Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with Earle's Balanced Salts is a modification of Eagle's earlier medium, Basal Medium Eagle (BME), containing higher concentrations of the essential nutrients. These media have demonstrated the ability to support a variety of normal and transformed cells in culture and contain Earle's Balanced Salts, which make them suitable for use in atmospheres charged with CO₂ gas.

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