These vials are for use on instruments from the following manufacturers: Agilent, Carlo Erba, CTC, DANI, Fisons, Gerstel, Jasco, PerkinElmer, Shimadzu, Spark, Thermo Scientific, Varian, etc.
- Standard vials for GC and HPLC
- Vials with a barcode label, pre-crimped vials are also available
- Microlitre vials for sample preparation (reactions, concentrations) or as an alternative for conical micro-vials or crimp neck vials with inserts
TopSert vials are an alternative to glass vials with fused-in micro-inserts or micro-insert with plastic spring. The TopSert glass micro-insert is centred in the plastic mould and pressed firmly against the septa due to its slightly overlapping edge.
Delivery information: Kits include: 1,5 ml glass crimp neck vial (11,6×32 mm), aluminium crimp cap, clear lacquered with 5,5 mm central hole and septum.